Non-Refundable Infringement Processing Fee
A non-refundable $75 infringement processing fee will be charged per infringement to cover processing costs in relation to any speeding, parking fine or traffic infringement.
Receipt of Infringement Notices
Travellers Autobarn will send you details of the relevant infringement and any reminder notice as soon as practicable after receipt thereof by Travellers Autobarn. Receipt of an infringement may be many weeks after you have returned your vehicle and is entirely under the control of the issuing authority.
Third-Party Contact for Infringement Processing and Administration
You agree that we may pass your credit card and any other relevant personal details in relation to the rental of the Vehicle to a third party for the purposes of contacting you directly regarding processing and administration for all infringements and notices received by Travellers Autobarn in connection with your use of the vehicle.
Disputing Infringement Notices
All enquires in relation to infringements and notices should be forwarded to the contact details of the relevant issuing authority. You will retain all rights to query, challenge or object to the authority that issued the infringement notice or to a court within the timeframe stipulated on that notice.
Renter's Liability for Payment of Fines
The renter remains liable for the payment of the original fine or infringement.